Introspection below. Proceed at own risk.
I don't find people sexually attractive. I'm asexual. But I still notice other people and their appearance. I'm not "face-blind" (although I've never looked at someone and thought them hot or sexy), but I will still turn my head when an interesting person walks by- purple hair? Nice cheekbones? I notice stuff like this. But why do I notice these things?
I could argue that I'm drawn to 'pretty' people the same reason others are, but because I don't find them sexually attractive the desire isn't there. My friends will look at an attractive person and occasionally make "Pwhoar" comments. The 'pretty' person is desirable to them, and they 'want' them.
But I don't have that desire, and so I can't comprehend the reason I'm drawn to a picture in a magazine or a face in a crowd.
Usually, if I look at someone, by the second glance any 'zing' that made me look at them is gone. No matter how I search for it, I can't put my finger on what made me look at them in the first place.
Why is this?